About Us
The Natural Arch and Bridge Society (NABS) is an all-volunteer non-profit organization promoting the study, appreciation, and preservation of natural arches and bridges. You can contact us at info@naturalarches.org and you can join online below.
NABS was formed in 1988 as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) educational organization to support the interests of both amateur arch enthusiasts and serious researchers of natural arches and bridges alike. Our international membership includes scientists, educators, and authors who are leading the study of natural arches as well as hobbyists who simply enjoy visiting and learning about them. See newspaper article about the late former NABS President Larry Beck.
Our newsletter, SPAN, provides news, information, and special interest articles on both the scientific and non-scientific study of natural arches, including their discovery, history, measurement, location, and general appreciation.
Any person with an enthusiastic desire to visit, study, photograph, or write about natural arches, and who supports the preservation of these features, may become a member.
Membership entitles you not only to receive our quarterly newsletter SPAN, but also to participate in our field trips, meetings, presentations, and all other NABS activities. Members also have access to back issues of SPAN in PDF format.
Our Purposes
NABS was founded to pursue the following purposes:
- To gather, update, verify, and disseminate information on natural arches and bridges to our membership and the public.
- To encourage scientific research on natural arches and bridges.
- To advocate legal protection for neglected, vulnerable, or otherwise threatened natural arches and bridges.
- To educate the general public about natural arches and bridges.
- To encourage public appreciation of natural arches and bridges.
Our Activities
NABS is actively pursuing the
above purposes by:
- Publishing our newsletter, SPAN.
- Organizing and conducting field trips.
- Organizing and conducting meetings and presentations.
- Establishing an electronic information source, including this website.
- Facilitating communication between experts.
- Lobbying land management agencies for better protection.
- Providing information to other agencies and the general public.
Membership in the Natural Arch and Bridge Society is $20 per year for Individuals and $30 per year for two Family members (plus children under 18) at the same address.
Family Memberships include two adults and children under age 18 living at the same address. All households receive quarterly issues of SPAN. All members can attend meetings and rallies and access all website information. All adult members have voting privileges and receive email communications.
You can join online using a credit card or PayPal (credit cards are processed by PayPal but a PayPal account is not required). Or you can join by mail by sending a check to the address below. Please complete and mail-in our membership form.
New members are eligible for a 20% discount on a 1-year subscription to the World Arch Database (not owned or controlled by NABS), a searchable database of the arches of the world with photos. This discount is available in the Members-Only section of our website.
NOTE 1: The Natural Arch and Bridge Society provides an annual membership roster to its members to facilitate the sharing of arch information and trip planning, and this has been a popular member benefit. If you do NOT want your contact information included in this roster, please indicate "no roster" in the special instructions box.
NOTE 2: If you don't want a printed color copy of SPAN mailed to you, you can request a digital-only (PDF) copy instead. Just put "digital only" in the special instructions box. If you decide later you want to change to or from digital-only, you can just email us.