NABSQNO 12S-657183-4052730

NABSQNO 12S-657183-4052730
Royal Arch north of Cove, Arizona
Photo by Jay Wilbur

Example Abandoned Natural Arch

NABSQNO 12S-657183-4052730. Royal Arch is one of the largest abandoned natural arches in the world with a height nearly 4 times that of Delicate Arch. It is located north of Cove, Arizona on the Navajo Nation. Although it can be seen in the distance from the road to Cove, non-Navajos must obtain the services of a guide to get any closer. Many Arizona road maps show the location of this arch, but since access is primarily via the paved roads that come into the area from New Mexico, there are few visitors. That's a shame because Kabitzeh Valley, the area north of Cove, has a spectacular beauty equaled only by the finest national parks.

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Other Abandoned Natural Arch examples:

Delicate Arch Cox Canyon Arch Royal Arch Square Arch unnamed arch

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