NABSQNO 36S-764601-3785071

NABSQNO 36S-764601-3785071
Balouaa Balaa, Tannourine, Lebanon
Photo by Ray Millar
NABSQNO 36S-764601-3785071. Balouaa Balaa is a triple waterfall natural bridge eroded through karstic limestone. Only two of the openings are visible in the photo above. The third, topmost, opening is apparent in the lower photo found here. Balouaa Balaa, also known as Houet Baatara, is near the village of Balaa, in the Tannourine area of Lebanon. Access is via a 300 meter walk from the village. The middle lintel, identified by the person standing on it in the photo above, has a span of about 80 feet.

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